Lonestar Actuation opens New Electric Actuator Facility
Feb 13, 2017
Lonestar Actuation opens New Electric Actuator Facility
HOUSTON - February 13, 2017
Lonestar Actuation has consolidated its shops and opened a New Facility in Kemah, TX.
The new facility integrates Lonestar Actuation's repair, re-manufacturing and Field Services teams in one location. This helps us meet the growing demand in the region
and enhances customer experience.
You can now visit us at:
1860 Lawrence Road
Kemah, TX 77565
(281) 559.2540
Great Western Valve and Lonestar Actuation can help you reduce costs, by repairing existing MOVs, avoiding high expenses of new purchases, and time consuming MOCs.
With our huge inventory of older model actuators, parts, boards, and components,
including old style SMBs, we can quickly repair almost any of your existing MOVs.
Do you have any electric actuator Field Service, Repair or Re-manufacturing needs?
Contact us for your day to day, and fall outage requirements.